Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Weebly Website Creation Reflection

I would give Weebly 3.5 stars. Creating my website was fun, but I didn't enjoy it. One of the benefits was being able to create hyperlinks to and for pretty much everything. One of the limitations was placing features like images or text boxes in the general area you wanted it to be in. I would have been a lot happier if it was sorta like a free for all. If it was a free for all then I could make and customize my own layout, and put features where I want them to be. Maybe I could even fill in a little of the space left. Anyways, here's the link to my unfinished website

Monday, November 27, 2017

11/27/17: Websites

I have never made a website before. I literally make it a point to access my favorite website from my phone unless I'm grounded (which isn't very often). The only thing that makes it easy to use is the fact that it rarely slows down, and you can disable different things so you can ignore other things or people. The layout, color, and design are just a bonus, to be honest.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

PicMonkey Photo Edits

11/2/17: Restaurant Review

The restaurant I'm going to review is called the Iron Waffle. It's a coffee shop in Steamboat, CL that also makes really awesome waffles. I like it because whenever you walk in, there's a sense of warmness. It smells amazing too. It's like a combination of waffles and coffee, and for some reason it's the like the perfect combination. 
The waffles they sell are all different. Even the plain waffle comes with whipped cream and topped with assorted fruits. My mom and my Aunt Deb took me and my cousin Jon there while the rest of our family went skiing. I got the maple bacon waffle and Jon got the dirt waffle. His waffle was pretty much that whole pudding mix thing, but on a waffle and topped with ice cream and whipped cream.
The waffles were very well made. They were warm and full of flavor. Even I can't make a waffle as good as that. I'd recommend trying the maple bacon waffle. It's one of those things that make it so haven't lived until you tried it.