Monday, October 23, 2017

10/23/17: The Person I Admire Most

There are a lot of people I admire and I admire them all the same. There is no "most". I didn't know who to choose, so I used one of those name pickers to pick for me. The person that was picked was my papa Dale. I admire my papa because he has a servant heart. He's 81 years old (I think), and in great shape. He is always putting others first (unless he's sick). I have 14 cousins. The oldest just graduated college, one has Down Syndrome, and the last two are eight year old twins. On top of that, my grandma has Dementia and is in a nursing home. Yet somehow my papa is able to manage all of it. I can't even imagine the stress he feels when all 26 of us are together for the holidays. I think that my papa is the most selfless person I know. That's why I admire him.

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