Friday, October 20, 2017

Infographic Reflection

I made my infographic about some of the stereotypes of depression. I chose this topic because I get stereotyped whenever a person finds out about it. I'm tired of it and it needs to stop! I am actually very happy about how the final product turned out to be. The tool I used was  I used it to make a half informative, half myth busting infographic. Would I recommend this tool anyone? I'm honestly not sure. I would give it 3.5/5 stars. There were quite a few advantages, but I think the main one was the fonts. There were a few disadvantages, but the biggest one I had was not being able to make a pie chart on there. I literally had to google for websites that specialized in pie chart making. I guess I could use this tool in the future for other subjects. I mean, I've already used it for a history project.

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